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riding with a trucker

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: riding with a trucker

Hi, I have put an advert on here and other places as I want to ride next year for a while with a trucker.
I am having some problems with being taken seriously lol.
My primary aim is to see as much of the US out of a truck window as I love being on the road.
But being single, if I was to meet a trucker with who I really hit it off with who knows......
I know truckers probably worry about things like women bringing a lotta junk with them, wingeing bout extreme weather conditions or having to help out. How do I in a short introduction explain that I am not just after a free ride ( I have an income). Not just after q quick bonk. But am just a laid back person hoping to keep someone company on those long rides (day or night riding as I also love the road at nights must be the old vampire blood lol) see some of the US and will not B---- and complain but happily amuse myself while waiting to load/unload, paperwork time etc etc.
I was army reserve and have rode a bike since I was 17 years old so have been there and done things that would mostly deter other humans lol.
Keep the rubber on the road.

I will never view life from the sidelines.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`well you cant put that into a short intro
or any intro really
the problem with this and other websites is that people are hiding behind a keyboard . you will send them a message wanting to know if they are interested in you and if its someone you think is not online very often maybe you send them your phone number
they dont send a message back they dont call they dont even tell you to Foff
nothing so all you can do is set and wonder
so often people are so busy being "safe" that the very person that is just right for them is overlooked honesty is taken for desperation and if you send out 40 or 50 e-mails only 2 or 3 will get back to you and they are probably just trouble
so often honest humble men cant find the right thing to say so he may come off a little strange and unsure so the girl wont even bother and it cant be any better from a womans perspective

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`if you want to bring everything including the kitchen sink, WHO CARES , YOUR A WOMAN , and thats just a part of bringing a woman on the road !!
if you want to B---- from tome to time WHO CARES !! womans perogative! do what you please! you will find most men are VERY agreeable that way

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